Idaho Falls Magazine Contest Submission

1. Snicker; 10/16/11; 5:29pm; Tautphaus Park, Idaho Falls; f 5.6; 1/100; Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS.

2. Crab Apple; 10/16/11; 5:11pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f 5.6; 1/80; Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS.

3. Weed; 10/16/11; 2:45pm, Rexburg, ID; f 5.6; 1/320; Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS.

All of my photos showcase different aspects of Eastern Idaho. I liked the top photo because it’s a cute, but also because it was taken at Tautphaus park in Idaho Falls. The second one is of crab apples, which can be seen all over Rexburg and Idaho Falls. The last photo is a weed, but it has a flower on it. I like it because it’s very “Idaho” looking, but its still a pretty shot.

I submitted my photos to the Idaho Falls Magazine Contest Submission because I felt that these photos all showcased Eastern Idaho, and the beauty that is seen here. I also felt that they met the qualifications for the contest pretty well.

Here is the link to the contest:

I submitted my entries on 11-29-11.


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